Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Week 14: If I Google Earth, will it Google Back?

Okay, it's the penultimate day of class!! We will be doing a small task with Google Earth and then talking about out blogs and TaskStream. . . .I hope everyone is caught up on her/his work!! If not, please try and get everything in ASAP so you can receive credit for what you have done.

Ensure you email or ask questions if there is anything you don't understand about what is due.

Next week: I want to focus on getting all of the narratives up on TaskStream so you can walk out of class finished with all of your work. I will talk to the group in the beginning and then try to meet with everyone individually to ensure you understand the narrative process!!

This week's question:
What has been your favorite assignment for this class and why?


  1. My favorite assignment has been inspiration. It allowed me to surf the net, and create my own web and have fun making something that makes sense. Plus its a really simple program, which never hurts.

  2. I liked Inspiration but I also really liked the Wiki assignment. It was fun to create my own page and look at everyone else's. I could definitely use that in my own classroom one day...

  3. Almost every assignment in this class made me incredibly frustrated at first, and then really proud and excited, once I actually followed directions and worked things out. I think the blog was ultimately my favorite, because it's a tool that I can modify and use for things other than this class. For example, I created a blog for the horsey youth group that I run at work, and it's been a really neat way to get all the kid's pictures in one place, as well as announcing upcoming meetings and events.

  4. I loved the video project. I think this assignment allowed us to be really creative. iMovie is a fun and easy to use editing program. I love editing short movies- the cheesier the better, which I think I certainly accomplished. =)

  5. I really liked the blog. Being a new mom and having friends and family all over the place, a blog is a great way to stay connected with loved ones. They can see updated pics of the family and watch my baby grow. Also, now that I'm so tech savvy, I can upload video to my blog of the baby doing funny things, i.e. walking, talking, etc.

  6. My fav assignment was having the blog. It was fun to put everything on there, and once I got the hang of it, it was so easy to use!

  7. My favorite assignment was the blog. I am terrible with technology and it is nice to have created my own, unique blog.

  8. Creating my blog is by far is my favorite assignment. I love the fact that I have my own page to display for the purpose of collaborating and learning. I also liked creating the newsletter, but the blog wins overall!

  9. I've enjoyed many assignments through out this class . . I enjoy technology and learning about new things, so I guess the things I enjoyed the most were doing things I already didn't know about, so google docs was one of the things I enjoyed learning about because I was unaware of it's capabilities before this class.

  10. My favorite assignment was making the blog. As others have said in their comments it is easy to keep all the information in one place while being able to create something personal and unique to my tastes.

  11. My favorite assignment has been the blog. It offers a place to display our work, write our opinions, and brag about our families or accomplishments. I can see so many uses for a blog - classroom, family, business, organizations, clubs. The opportunity is endless.

  12. I love my blog,because it's so easy to keep everything there and I love having my links and bookmarks, which I use often. Still, I have to say, now that it's done, I enjoyed making my movie and having it posted on my blog.

  13. I enjoyed doing the movie and I felt very technologically proficient after putting it together. Posting everything on the blog was pretty cool too because all of my work is easily accessible.

  14. I'm going to be a big dork and say that something I actually have enjoyed is the journals...the reason is because of the reading from "Leading and Learning with Technology"...reading real life examples of how technology is used in education made a true connection for me between the importance of all that we are learning to what each of our future goals may addition to this assignment, I really enjoyed learning about googledocs...I already have utilized googledocs to collaborate with a group for a project in another class and it worked out so awesome!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. My favorite assignment was the imovie assignment. I love working with film and creating different effects. Not to mention the footage we used was top notch work ;)

  17. I think the newsletter and the blog were my favorites. I have had so much fun making my blog and showing it off to people. I really liked the newsletter- same reason too. I liked showing it off to all the moms in my sons class! I know I'm a big dork!!

  18. My favorite, like so many others, is the blog. I like that we can put almost everything in one place to showcase all of the projects we have been working on.

  19. In all due respect for the others, my favorite assignment is the Inspiration NETS cluster, mainly because of the practicality in my class.
    My kids would be lost without their grahic organizers, and I like the idea of creating various webs and other pre-writing supports
    as well as having them do their own. I understand that I my kids can legally use Inspiration as an IEP accomodation as long as it's mandated on the IEP. My free trial period has almost run out, but no biggie. I plan to subscribe; it's money well spent and worth the

  20. Honestly all of them have been really beneficial and I'm really happy to have learned about all the different technologies!

  21. Out of all the assingments I think that the iMovie was my favorite because it was probably the most difficult assignment and the most rewarding after learning how to use it. I had the chance to use what I learned for a class project in another class and the results were just amazing, I can't believe I was able to edit an entire 15 minute movie!

  22. The blog, I might even start one in real life (as in, outside of school)

  23. My favorite assignment was definitely the iMovie! I was looking forward to that assignment all semester. iMovie is an incredibly user-friendly program and there are so many different things you can create using it. It really allows for creativity and expression. I'm tempted to eventually buy a Mac (not that I'm anti-PC, I still love my Dell and my VIAO) simply to use iLife. This is definitely a program I will be using as a future teacher.

  24. My most favorite assignment would have to be the blog. This is my first blog ever and I have learned so much. I think that blogs are extremely cool now and it is a great way to lighten things up in the classroom.

  25. I loved all the assignments that we had. Some were a little frustrating, but in the end I was excited to have learned something new about technology. My favorite would have to be the blog just because its organized and is an excellent way to showcase all of the cool stuff we learned this semester.
