Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jan 21. . .Inaugural Class

Welcome to Educ 422!!

For all of my PCs:
Don't Fear the Mac. . . Change is Good

Some Agenda items for the First Class:
1. Introductions
2. Syllabus
3. $$$$$$ Requirements: TaskStream & ISTE
4. Mac 101 (Safari & Firefox) + iGoogle
5. WebCT/Class Blog 101 & 102
7. Create a Blog
8. Intro Letter
9. EdTechProfile (if time permits)

TaskStream Self-Enroll Codes:
You must enroll in both the TPA and Local TPE portfolios

Local: 6SG3BA

If you had trouble the first evening accessing WebCT, please contact the student help desk and take care of this ASAP, as you will need access to WebCT immediately!!

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